Florian Ludovick
Florian Ludovick was born on June 2nd, 1971 in Bukoba, Tanzania. He was already born as an artist as he says himself. He started first drawings when being a little boy. His paintings express a daily African life. He transfers all what he knows and sees in the paintings so that they are in accordance with the local customs. After completion of secondary school Ludovick started being involved in serious art, that is since the year of 1991. Using all various techniques as acrylic, oil, different colour techniques, water and pencil. Already in the same year Ludovick wins the first prize in Drawing competition held by Lions Club of Tanzania.He is well known for his curved-cubism style.
He presented his work in several exhibitions, namely in 1995 at Group exhibition of the Fine Artists Association of Tanzania, Goethe Institute in Dar es Salaam and in 1996 at Group exhibition, Russian-Tanzanian Cultural Centre in Dar es Salaam. His art has also visited European continent, that was during African Festival in Wuerzburg, Germany in 2000 - 2003
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