Lukas Mauku
Lukas Mauku his 25 years of experience in carving belongs to the old generation of makonde sculptors still working on the outskirts of Dar es Salaam, commercial capital of Tanzania. He has got one internationally distinguished student – George Lugwani (see BBC document) and himself was a student of Nampoka. All of them have family connection and comes from Makonde tribe. Lukas Mauku was born in 1958 in Mtwara, studied Primary School Pemba in Mikindani and two decenniums later he followed his uncle (drive) to Dar es Salaam. There he started to sculptor. Now he lives with his wife and six children (see pictures in gallery) in Visegese village in Kisarawe district. It is desolated place near Dar es Salaam and usually he uses bicycle to get out his art to markets. He carves Shetanis in similar style as Nampoka and Kashimiri. Though he never had any exhibition his work is surely included in many collections worldwide and he is quite well known in the established art business community as well as among art experts in Tanzania.