AFRUM Websites
1. - shows the artists who made artworks for George Lilanga
2. - New approach and attempt group the Tinga Tinga paintings.
3. - Information about licensing of Tinga Tinga images.
4. - Sales of Tinga Tinga paintings online
Contemporary african art on internet
African Contemporary This gallery presents George Lilanga, Damian Msagula, Amonde Omari, David Mzuguno and many more! African Art Products - African Art Products is dedicated to fair and equal trade with the artists and artisans we work with and we respect the established fair trade principles such as long term trade relationships, paying fair licensing fees and providing financial and technical assistance wherever possible. Czech African cultural guide online. Good tips where to see african exhibition or listen to African music in Prague. Art2Bank Do you want to invest in Art? Then go to this website and then come back to invest in African Art! Artspotting Here you can find some contemporary fine art from Africa. CAACART Jean Piggozi has the biggest collection of African fine art in the world. Among them George Lilanga from Tanzania. Collection of Captain Lorenz Art collector of Makonde art. Yves Goscinny Website of Yves Goscinny about the East African Art Biennale. Ezakwantu This is what Galerie Ezakwantu offers tribal art. George Lilanga The difference between this websites and others reletad to Lilanga is that it provides some more information about this artis. Inside African Art Best selling site! Makonde Collection Hansen Makonde Network in which collectors can show their collections and get in touch with each other. Mawingu Collection The Hamburg Mawingu Collection. See masterpieces from Anangangola, Dastani, Chanuo, Karinto, Kashimiri, George Lilanga, Lupapa, Felix Malyi, Mauku, Nampoka, Njawike, Samaki and others. Prof. Elias Jengo Prof. Elias Jengo from the Department of Fine and Performing Arts at the University of Dar es Salaam, chairman of Tanzanian National Arts Commitee (1999), patron of Tanzanian Carvers Association. Rafiki Art Trust Tanzanian artists have organized themselves and established Rafiki Art Trust. Rock Art of Tanzania Truly anybody can be inspired by this great website. Shambala Gallery gallery displayes paintings from foreign artists living in Denmark. Svetan stands for Swedish Tanzanian Friendship Association. They helped art in Tanzania also. They run Bagamoyo Sculpture School. Thorup ART shows art from both East and West Africa. They organize the big exhibition AFRICA/NOW. Tingatinga Art Gallery is run by former tingatinga painter Aussi Jaffari who decided to leave the cooperative and lead his own art life. He is extreemly popular in Japan. Watatu textil An active woman from Stockholm shares her enthusiasm on Khangas with others. WHAT Gallery If you want to combine art and holiday in Tanzania then Warm Heart Gallery is the right place.