Raza Mohamed
Raza Mohammed is a painter employing all possible styles and media. For the whole life he have had a good work dealing with art in one way or another. The first job was at the USA information service in Dar es Salaam where he spent 10 years. He has worked there as graphic artist, painter and exhibition constructor. The second job took place at The Institute of Education which is part of University of Dar es Salaam. It took not less than 20 years before Mohammed Raza retired in 1996. There he worked as book illustrator. In between these two jobs he was lucky to visit USA as part of Crossroad Africa Operation event showing different artists from Africa. He participated in constructing of the exhibition showing Moon stones from Apollo journey in 1964. He was also invited to Moscow to study and then produce medals for high ranking army officers involved in winning war with Uganda against Iddi Amin. He has also designed the first Tanzanian stamp (or he was the first stamp designer) Raza Mohammed is born in Tabora in 1946 but as child moved to Mombasa where he went to Primary School. He continued his studies in Arusha and there he tried his luck to sell his paintings to Greek and French farmers. In 1964 he went to Dar es Salaam where he lives up to now in part called Mwenge. Raza Mohamed was big inspiration to painter Salum Kambi