Natasha Dickens
Natasha Dickens was born 1981 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. She studied in fine art at Leicestershire in UK, Golsmiths College in London and at Kent Institute of Art&Design in Canterbury.
October 2007 Solo exhibition "Clothed Africa", Mawazo Gallery, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
November 2005 Exhibited in “East Africa Art Biennale 2005” , Alliance Française, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
June 2004 Exhibited works in ”kiad 04” Degree Show, Kent Institute of Art & Design, Canterbury, UK
April 2003 Curated and Exhibited works in “2nd Coming”, Art Exhibition, Old City Bar, Canterbury, UK
February 2003 Curated and Exhibited works in “Altered View”, Art Exhibition, IOTA Gallery, Ramsgate, UK
October 2001 Curated and Exhibited in Solo exhibition, 4twenty Bar, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
June 2000 Exhibited in Final Foundation Degree show
January 2008 "Art in Tanzania" Precision Air In-flight Magazine, Article on Artists recent work
21st December 2007 "Be Their Voice" The Guardian Newspaper, Painting used in a Human Trafficking campaign
October 2007 "Exhibitions 0f Art" Dar Guide Magazine, Article on Artists exhibiting at Mawazo Gallery
22nd October 2007 "Power of the Brush" The Citizen Newspaper
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