Francis Imanjama
Francis Patrick Imanjama was born in 1959 on Zanzibar, Tanzania. He was so much attracted by painting that he joined a painting course at the Goethe institute in 1975 after finishing his Primary school. After completing his course he connected himself with “The Dar Es Salaam Art & Craft Centre”. Christine Stormberg Steinberg trained Imanjama in etching technique in the year of 1982. Later on he developed his skills in this special technique during four sessions in the period of 1986 until 1996 directly at International Summer Academy in Salzburg, Austria. Currently he is considered as a professional artist in etching in Tanzania together with Robino Ntila. He even organized etching course in Germany in the city of Neustadt in 1993. Imanjama was also involved in woodcut printing. He has started exhibiting his art mainly in Austria in 1987 and Germany since the year of 1993. In 1992 he has shown his art publicly for the first time in Tanzania at National Museum of Dar Es Salaam. Many other exhibitions have followed.
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