Bush Mikidadi
Bush Mikidadi was born in 1957 in Tanzania. His is from Ndowe tribe. He is one of few Tinga Tinga painters who went to study the painting at the Goethe Institute in Dar es Salaam. But the painting carrier was not straight. First he worked at the Muhimbili Hospital and then at Twiga Hotel. Later he went to Zambia where he worked at Government Store for 6 years. He returned back to Dar es Salaam in 1989 where he started to paint at Morogoro Stores in Tinga Tinga style. In 1996 he went to Japan where he was invited by Mr.Kenji. Today he is working for Mr.Sarenco who has the webpage www.fondazionesarenco.com (Photo Copyright Ilona Bittnerova)